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Why are we doing this?

Where passion lies in changing the landscape of technology and innovation. At [Company Name], we believe in transforming digital challenges into opportunities and creating a world where technology not only works, but also inspires and drives growth. We are here to challenge the established, to break boundaries and to create breakthrough solutions that not only meet, but exceed our customers' expectations. By uniting our deep technical expertise with our pursuit of creativity and innovation, we strive to create real, meaningful change in the world around us.With a focus on first and adapting to the unique needs and goals of our customers, we are committed to being more than just a provider of technological solutions. We strive to be a collaborative partner, one that is dedicated to helping customers navigate through the rapidly changing technological terrain and realizing their visions.At [Company Name], we believe that every challenge is an opportunity and every solution is a chance to make something extraordinary. Together with our customers, partners and employees, we strive to shape a future where technology not only improves lives, but also pushes &T towards new horizons of opportunity. Welcome to [Company Name], where we don't just do what we do - we do it with passion and purpose.

Välkommen till THNX, där vi inte bara gör det vi gör – vi gör det med ödmjukhet, passion och ett hållbart perspektiv.

Our customers deserve the best solutions!

With commitment, honesty, respect and a focus on quality, we create the best solutions TOGETHER.

Our goal is to develop solutions that really help our customers and give them what they need.

Our Services

At THNX, we develop high-quality digital products and services. We often compare building a digital product to constructing a new house: you need the right blueprints, a solid process, the proper skills, and experience in the field. It takes the right people doing the right things to stay within budget, ensure a great result, and deliver on time.

From idéa to final product, different tools and methods are needed along the way. We assist our customers with everything from idea to the finished product, including management, ongoing development of digital products, and efficient development of modules and components for existing digital solutions

Our Process Image

Making Progress - Delivering Business Value

MAKING PROGRESS aims to deliver a solution that provides real business value according to your requirements. Together we frame the solution and then maximize the valuse in an efficient development project.

Our Process Image

A Secure Future for Your Software - Maintenance, operations and support

Together with you, we ensure a secure and sustainable future for your custom software solutions. In a long-term partnership, it's essential to feel confident that your system is in good hands. Our management package provides ongoing support, maintenance, and expert guidance, offering the right skills and experience throughout the entire lifecycle of your product or service. Our service is divided into three key areas: continuity planning, proactive maintenance, and responsive support.

Our Process Image

A Good Start - The Beginning of a Partnership

A good start marks the beginning of our partnership. Through a focused project that addresses your specific challenge, we deliver a solution that brings significant value to your business. It’s an excellent opportunity for you to get to know us and see firsthand how we collaborate with our customers.

Our way of working


We believe in low thresholds and collaborations to achieve digital success. Together we are making a good start with a focus on long-term cooperation.

Our way of working

“We are starting our journey with this type of technology as a marketing tool and having THNX as a partner has been of great help. THNX is an agency driven by young, enthusiastic, dedicated and extremely professional people. We are very satisfied with our cooperation and proud to show the results at WoC.”

Paul Garrido
Global Marketing Director Consumables, In-Store & Packaging Husqvarna Construction Products

Customer case

Here you will find examples of solutions that we have successfully created together with our customers.

Read more about all our customer cases here

Partner Product

We believe that innovative ideas deserve to be realised and want to support entrepreneurs to achieve their dream.

Read more about all our partner products here

Några av våra kunder

Vi är en konsultbyrå som erbjuder skräddarsydda digitala lösningar. ​

​Vi vet att samarbete är nyckeln till framgång. Tillsammans med våra kunder, samarbetspartners och alla användare så skapar vi bättre lösningar.​​Vår styrka är rätt nyckelkompetenser i rätt tid. Vi levererar alltid som ett engagerat och ansvarstagande team.

Våra tjänster

På Thnx utvecklar vi digitala produkter och tjänster med hög kvalitet. Vi brukar likna utvecklingen av en digital produkt med att bygga ett nytt hus. Du behöver rätt ritningar, ett bra arbetssätt, rätt kompetens och god erfarenhet. Rätt personer som gör rätt saker så att budget håller, resultatet blir bra och levereransen sker i tid.

På vägen från idé till färdig produkt krävs olika verktyg och metoder. Vi hjälper våra kunder med allt från idé till färdig produkt, förvaltning och vidareutveckling av digitala produkter samt effektiv utveckling av moduler och komponenter till din befintliga digitala produkt.

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