Thesis Projects - UX/UI Design

UX/UI Design

How can a User Interface convey emotion to the user?

In the creation of modern interfaces and applications, efficiency and usability are often the primary focus. But how can interfaces be designed to convey emotions to the user, and which emotions are possible to evoke through design?

UX/UI Design

Effective strategies for maximizing UX value in Custom Software Development

Investigate how to effectively create the highest possible UX value in custom software development projects. Which methods work best, and which can be implemented efficiently?

UX/UI Design

How to work more User-Centrically

What methods and routines are suitable for use in a user-centered software development project, and how can they be applied in a software consulting company like THNX Innovation? How is user-centered work approached today? What practices should be followed to ensure a user-centered approach? What measures are recommended?

UX/UI Design

Which UX elements are reusable in Application Development?

In application development, many UX elements are frequently reused. To ensure consistently good UX, a solid UX base package is needed. Which UX elements should be included in such a base package, and what could such a package look like to be reusable for application developers?

UX/UI Design

Student's own choice

We are also open and interested if you have your own proposal for a possible thesis project within the field.